Ami and Tami at TurnPark

A hungry, un-intelligent ogre and Yaga the Witch have tried to stop Ami and Tami from getting out of the dark forest. But siblings’ avid imaginations helped them to find a way to escape, with a help of a colorful gang of Singing Lice and other magic friendly creatures. How would they run from the forest monsters if they couldn’t use their creativity and, as their parents used to call it, “foolish ideas?”

“Ami and Tami” is a music tale for children and families featuring singing, dancing, and exhilarating live music. It was created by talented Israeli composer and our friend Mátti Kovler and Floating Tower theatre company.

Last year, they presented in Turn Park. Before the final performance, there were three days of open rehearsal. Both kids and parents were excited to see how the magic of a performance was born and to occasionally participate in the process. The end of the final show was epic; actors and viewers happily danced together under the pouring rain!

Stay tuned for the upcoming family events in Turn Park this season!