Join us for the Summer Solstice celebration at TurnPark on June 19th!
(a day before the actual Solstice)
What to expect:
Immersive celebration with reinvented traditional Summer Solstice rituals, live music, and dance.
Colorful, life-affirming costumes and direction by the well known Georgian artist Uta Bekaia.
OmniTribe - improvisational concert to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the collective!
Line up:
DJ illDub
Omnitribe Collective
DJ Dub Kickah
Very special Eternal Sunshine Solstice set by MD & The Healers Soundsystem
Please, if you are able, wear white or bright colors!
Tickets: summer solstice celebration
The longest day and the shortest night of June have been celebrated with special trepidation since the ancient times.
To celebrate the solstice, our ancestors held festivals worshiping the sun and light. In today's world, so far removed from nature, most natural sensitivity and connection to the mother Earth is often lost or overlooked.
We seem to have severed our connection with the wisdom of our ancestors, and with it, the balance with our surroundings - a balance that is so imbued with magic and beauty.
With the Summer Solstice festival, we want to try and immerse ourselves in this lost, mystical holiday.
We want the visitors to get a sense of what this celebration would have been like many centuries ago, but also to create it anew. It will be an attempt to reinvent old and lost rituals.
We want to create a magical event in which all visitors will become participants and contribute to the revitalization of these ancient festivities. Connecting art with nature, looking for lost traditions and starting new ones, we hope to create a sense of sacred community within our visitors, even in this time of isolation; after all, anything is possible with creativity and love.
The brief program will represent the wisdom we have all developed in this dark period, and show that from the ashes of this experience we have gained so much: self acceptance, care for our community, regeneration and new ways of being with ourselves and others as we progress into the joyful light of day.
The OmniTribe Collective, celebrating its 20th anniversary, two decades of friendship and sound, will fill the air with their unique mixture of international music.
Blending traditional and contemporary sound, mixing together diverse cultural soundscapes, the Omnitribe Collective creates improvised, healing music - music of the here and now - exploring the coordinates of entropy through rhythm and harmony.
OmniTribe is happy to reconnect with friends via the online broadcast as well as in real life!
It’s going to be a bright performance celebrating the renewal of life and nature and the new hope of joyful beginning.